
Oh, Good...

Hank Steuver, one of the better reasons to hang onto a WaPo subscription:
That's when Soft Surroundings arrives in the thick of the pre-holiday bulk mail. It's a catalogue targeted to millions of working women, 37 percent of whom, we are helpfully told in a press release, usually shed their "daytime clothes" within five minutes of getting home each night.

Here you have the goods for an ever-widening, mainstream cuddle fetish. If there were such a thing as chaste, favorite-pillow porn, the Soft Surroundings catalogue would be seized by postal inspectors. It's got pages and pages of women in $119 pajamas. It sells "embroidered softie" sherpa shirts. The "snuggalicious robe" and the "essential napping blanket." And chinoise kimonos, "Turkish tuxedos" (a robe with robe pants!), angora socks. Chenille, velour, silk: You are there, in a gentle puff of talc.

The man is onto something. There IS a market for favorite-pillow porn, just a little more mainstream than Plushies. No, I will not link to a Plushies site, you sicko.

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